Wednesday, January 31, 2007

find people fast

Find people fast? not likely!

in the late 1980s, I knew a girl named brandy frayer, (I will not give my name, or where I am from, as I am happily maried and intend to stay that way!) as far as I know she moved to phoenix arizona in our freshmen year of highschool. Before she moved she lived in michigan with her mother and stepfather and had a grandfather who lived in the north of michigan and an older brother in the army. She had told me her father had passed away when she was very small. and thats about all the information I can remeber (or share)

I am not looking for her to rekindle lost love, but once you have given your heart to someone so fully, you will never just forget about them. in my opinion without some sort of catastrophic event, true love never dies, it just changes.

I still think about brandy every now and again, and I would just like to know that she is ok, and maybey to say "hi, hows life?"

I have spent hours searching for her online, with all these companys that guarentee results, but find little, even after haveing paid a couple of them, so I figured id make a blog, and see if any of you could find her.

The closest I have come to posibly locateing her, is an old address in phoenix, and two adresses in NJ (mountainside and lincoln park) wich list a brandy frayer in the appropriate age range.

I will check back from time to time, and maybey update the page with some of my story, even if it dosent work to find her, some of you might be entertained, and who knows, it might be that talking about it really does help.


Unknown said...

I knew Brandy and had a relationship with her in AZ in 1991. She currently resides in Virginia and owns a massage parlor.

Unknown said...